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Full 2010 07 carradale house listed building application

Carradale House Listed Building Application

Leaside Regeneration, 2010


p.12 06 Regeneration Context 
Poplar HARCA’s vision and objectives for all of its estates are to bring about their genuine and lasting regeneration. The Brownfield Estate transferred from the London Borough of Tower Hamlets to Poplar HARCA in December 2007. Since then, Poplar HARCA has begun to invest in improvements to bring all of its homes up to Decent Homes Standard. This programme is ongoing. 

This current planning and listed building application to improve the fabric of Carradale House forms part of the wider regeneration vision across all of Poplar HARCA’s estates. In addition to improving the housing stock in this location and adding both new affordable homes and private homes to diversify the tenure and improve the sustainability of the community, a further objective is to continue to invest in environmental enhancements to the public realm and local community facilities. Many of these works have already been applied for and approved by LBTH and further applications will be forthcoming. The driving objective for these ongoing works is the well being of existing residents and the need to retain, support and strengthen well established but often marginalised and undermined communities. Underpinning this core objective are the proposals for the much needed and long overdue investment in the repair and improvement of the fabric of the homes, buildings and public realm. 

p.13 Conservation and Heritage
Several documents submitted in support of the refurbishment works show that the application will improve the quality of the listed building and enable its continued active use for a significant period of time, bringing the homes up to decent homes standard, whilst keeping to the principles that Goldfinger established. The core vision of the proposal has been to extend the life of the existing building through refurbishment and improvement that will meet high standards of design and quality to reinforce the neighbourhood regeneration. The proposals therefore accord with Development Plan Policies 

p.15 Housing 
The overarching aspiration for Carradale House with regard to the affordable housing is to provide better quality homes in refurbished accommodation, to bring the dwellings up to “decent homes” standard. These aspirations are supported by PPS3: Housing, which highlights the need to retain and increase the amount of affordable housing across the Country.
Affordable Housing 
Carradale House comprises of 88 dwellings, of which 20 are owned by leaseholders (77% affordable housing overall). The development proposals do not seek to alter any aspect of the tenure of the block and therefore the proposals will not impact upon the amount of affordable housing or the tenure mix which will remain well above the required level of 35% affordable homes which applies to new developments.

Background to community involvement 
The process commenced in 2003 with HARCA’s selection by the community and the local authority as the preferred Registered Social Landlord to develop proposals for the stock transfer of the East India Estates. 

Throughout the summer and autumn of 2003 Poplar HARCA and its masterplanners, Baily Garner and PRP, engaged in initial consultation exercises aimed at establishing the views of the community regarding the issues, challenges and opportunities of the East India Estates, including the Brownfield estate and Carradale House within the wider area. A period of review, outline development and preliminary appraisal followed and Poplar HARCA and its masterplanners proposed an initial outline proposal supported by the opening of a show flat in early 2006 providing residents with the opportunity to consider and comment on the initial proposals for the refurbishment of the interior of their homes. This began the lead in to the more formal consultation around the outline proposals and culminated in November 2006 with a formal ballot of tenants and leaseholders. 

A formal Offer Document and ballot paper was issued to all secure tenants and leaseholders setting out: 
who and what Poplar HARCA are why the Council is proposing the transfer of the estate the vision for East India, including Brownfield the outline proposals and scope of the major works the implications for both tenants and leaseholders after and during the major works future rents and service charges (including housing benefit) provision of housing services residents’ rights and responsibilities
The ballot achieved a turnout of 64% across the East India Estates with 79%, a significant majority, voting in favour of the transfer of the estates to Poplar HARCA and for the progression of the regeneration proposals. This provided a clear mandate for Poplar HARCA and the regeneration of the Brownfield estate.

& Answers

Will there be a net gain or loss of social rented accommodation within the Brownfield Estate following regeneration works?

Page(s): 15

The overarching aspiration for Carradale House with regard to the affordable housing is to provide better quality homes in refurbished accommodation, to bring the dwellings up to “decent homes” standard. These aspirations are supported by PPS3: Housing, which highlights the need to retain and increase the amount of affordable housing across the Country.

Affordable Housing 
Carradale House comprises of 88 dwellings, of which 20 are owned by leaseholders (77% affordable housing overall). The development proposals do not seek to alter any aspect of the tenure of the block and therefore the proposals will not impact upon the amount of affordable housing or the tenure mix which will remain well above the required level of 35% affordable homes which applies to new developments.