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Full 2011 03 brownfield estate phase ii planning application appendix 2

Brownfield Estate Phase II Planning Application Appendix 2

Leaside Regeneration, 2011


The Brownfield area includes around 800 homes. The freehold of the 669 of these (463 tenanted, 206 leasehold) are owned by Poplar HARCA. The remaining are generally independent freehold houses. 

The strength of the Brownfield community lies in its longevity and its adaptability. There are numerous individuals and families who have long local lineages, stretching back several generations with personal histories bonded with their sense of place. Equally, there is a generally accepting and embracing attitude to the changing nature of the community, which has included cultural and growingly, socio-economic shifts. There is a notable fear in some quarters around 'gentrification' and loss of identity through a large influx of new and different residents.

Community Initiatives 
It’s vital that the current local community identifies with their changing community, feels empowered by the regeneration and ready to embrace new residents and a growing community. To this end, it is proposed that certain community initiatives run alongside the more traditional engagement and consultation. 
Possible initiatives are outlined below. It is envisaged that these are rolled out as the works progress and become part of the language of the Round Here regeneration. This would be evident in the branding, but more importantly, would provide a vehicle for the Brownfield community to emerge stronger following the works. 

Delivery of these initiatives will hope to be achieved with the partnership of local stakeholder groups, ensuring that projects remain representative and embedded in the Brownfield Community. Ideal groups would include: 

  • The new Brownfield Social Club
  • Neighbours in Poplar
  • Greening Brownfield
  • Brownfield Estate Board

Community Photographic Project 
Visual arts / photography project sourcing images to produce a story of the locality through faces of community members through the years to the present, and building into the future. Images of past and present communities, households and individuals sourced as far as possible, from existing residents. 

Audio History Archive 
An audio version of the photographic project, though more directly charting the history of the area and its community. 
People Library 
Drawn from audio and visual community projects, the establishment of a new Local People Library to assist community cohesion and understanding. Local residents from a diverse range of backgrounds, cultures, ages etc record talking heads, - self portraits including their experiences of living in the area. These are available to borrow by the community.

& Answers

Will there be a net gain or loss of social rented accommodation within the Brownfield Estate following regeneration works?

Page(s): 6

The Brownfield area includes around 800 homes. The freehold of the 669 of these (463 tenanted, 206 leasehold) are owned by Poplar HARCA. The remaining are generally independent freehold houses. 

What does it feel like to live in the tower?

Page(s): 8

The strength of the Brownfield community lies in its longevity and its adaptability. There are numerous individuals and families who have long local lineages, stretching back several generations with personal histories bonded with their sense of place. Equally, there is a generally accepting and embracing attitude to the changing nature of the community, which has included cultural and growingly, socio-economic shifts. There is a notable fear in some quarters around 'gentrification' and loss of identity through a large influx of new and different residents.